
Please help me identify this bug #754400

Asked June 07, 2021, 12:06 AM EDT

I’m really just hoping that this isn’t a cockroach, because all I know is that it is creeping me out.

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

I need more clear pictures in order to identify it. How large is it?

Pat M MN master gardener and TCA Replied June 07, 2021, 7:30 AM EDT
It is not any longer than a nickel, not anymore than one half an inch. I’ve attached all of the photos I have, and I’ve included the unedited copies of the edited photos I originally sent. imageimageimageimageimageimageimage

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On Jun 7, 2021, at 06:30, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 08, 2021, 12:12 PM EDT
I am sorry but a need a picture showing the insects back to identify it.  Place sticky traps near the area where you found this insect. If is is a cockroach the traps with catch. The send us the new pictures.
Pat M MN master gardener and TCA Replied June 08, 2021, 2:52 PM EDT
So this isn’t enough of its back to identify it? image

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On Jun 8, 2021, at 13:52, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 08, 2021, 3:29 PM EDT

Correct identification is important so we can tell you where they are most likely found in your house. Cockroaches are flattened, oval body, brownish, fast-moving insects, with long, slender antennae about the length of their body. The antenna on your insect short. The antennae may be broken so it just appears short. They seldom fly. Their leg are covered with spines. I cannot see the leg spines. Look around your house for their dark-colored egg cases (size and shape of a dry kidney bean). Place sticky traps in the area where you found the insect so that the trap are tight against edges, where walls meet floors. There is a shadow so I am unable to see their markings. I am unable to identify this insect.  I am sorry.

Pat M MN master gardener and TCA Replied June 08, 2021, 5:14 PM EDT

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