
geranium problems #754388

Asked June 06, 2021, 10:22 PM EDT

Hello. I recently purchased these geraniums which looked healthy when I bought them but now I've noticed that when the flower opens, it begins to turn white and then dies prematurely. The leaves look ok. There aren't any insects on the plant and it's sufficiently watered. Could you please help me? Thank you, Margaret

Denver County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Margaret,

Cool, wet weather can spread bacterial or fungal blights on geraniums. However, if any of these were affecting your geraniums, we would expect to see brown spots on the leaves and petals would typically turn brown, not white. In fact, diseases in geraniums typically affect leaves or stems. You say the leaves look healthy and they look healthy in the pictures you sent, so this does not indicate a bacterial or fungal blight.

If you want to be sure, you can take a cutting of the affected blossoms to a local extension agency that offers diagnostic services (double check since some services are restricted due to Covid).

In geraniums, it is normal for some of the flower buds in the cluster to die before others. How many days is the full cluster in bloom before some of the flowers start dying?

You can pinch off the spent blooms to maintain a nicer appearance and give more room for budding flowers.

You mention they are adequately watered, and if they were lacking in water you would see symptoms in yellowing bottom leaves. On the other hand, geraniums don’t prefer sitting in consistently wet soil, so you could try reducing water and only water when the top layer of soil is starting to dry out.

Colorado Master Gardener, Denver County Replied June 12, 2021, 3:21 PM EDT
Thank you for responding.  I've been growing geraniums for about 50 years and have only see petals turn white when it's been exposed to cold temps which is not the case here.  When the petals start to turn white, on the geraniums I have this year, the petal shrivels up.  I'll see if I can bring a cutting into local extension agency and see if they can diagnose it.  Thank you again, Margaret
On 06/12/2021 1:21 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 12, 2021, 3:34 PM EDT

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