
Yellow flowering bush #754355

Asked June 06, 2021, 5:48 PM EDT


Your answer to my last question about schip laurels was so helpful I'd

thought I'd ask another.

I have three of these bushes. They are all starting to flower but a lot

of the leaves are turning yellow and falling to the ground. I don't know

the name or if there's something I can do to save them. Thanks for any


Jeanne Kaiser

Buncombe County North Carolina

Expert Response

Hi Jeanne,

I don't recognize it right off, but I've crowd sourced it to the master gardeners to take a look.  

Stand by.

More to follow.



I hope this helps. Replied June 07, 2021, 11:32 AM EDT

That didn't take long for one of my Master Gardener Volunteers to ID......

I don't think you have anything to worry about.  The plants are probably a bit stressed by heavy bloom and the lack of water.  They should recover and be ok.  Just monitor and make sure they are getting adequate water.  

I hope this helps. Replied June 07, 2021, 11:55 AM EDT

From our MGV.  

It’s a great plant!

Ours thrived in full day sun and typical local dry clay soil. Re yellow leaves: guessing soil pH needs adjusting or plant is lacking nutrients and/or the plants feet are too wet.

Last thought is leaves may naturally turn over (similar to a dwarf Gardenia) as part of it’s seasonal cycle.

I hope this helps. Replied June 07, 2021, 12:49 PM EDT
Received From: Larry Kaiser <<personal data hidden>>

Hello Mart and the MGV Team,

It is really great to know the name of this bush and all the information you sent.  I appreciate you all so much!  Thanks for taking the time to answer.  Now I'll now how to care for these bushes.


Jeanne Kaiser

On 6/7/2021 12:49 PM, Ask Extension wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 2:24 PM EDT

Glad to help.  


I hope this helps. Replied June 08, 2021, 9:19 AM EDT

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