
Plant a bush #754339

Asked June 06, 2021, 3:57 PM EDT

Is the month of June too late to plant an evergreen bush in Littleton?

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response


No, it isn't too late is the short answer. Of course planting later in the season requires extra care to ensure the bush does well. Specifically watering. Below please see the link with information about planting and caring for your new shrub. 

You didn't mention what kind of evergreen this shrub is so I can't speak specifically to this one you have. You do want to make sure that you are giving it the amount of sun it requires and that you are also looking carefully at the surroundings allowing it to grow to its full potential. Not too close to the home, other trees, sidewalks or driveway. 

Our winters can be dry, snow fall not typically adequate to keep roots damp. I have aded a link for Fall and Winter watering to help your new shrub do well and to inform you of this need to make sure all your trees and shrubs do well over the winter.

Good luck! Thank you for reaching out to us for information.

1711- Planting Trees & Shrubs

1706 – Fall & Winter Watering

Arapahoe County Extension Replied June 07, 2021, 3:33 PM EDT

On Mon, Jun 7, 2021, 1:33 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 4:12 PM EDT

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