
Would like to identify a snake #754272

Asked June 06, 2021, 10:22 AM EDT

Please identify the snake in these pics

Herkimer County New York

Expert Response

Hi Ms. Chrisman,

Thank you for your question. The snake in your photograph is an Eastern Gartersnake, scientific name Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis. It is a very common snake in New York and throughout most of the eastern United States. The eastern gartersnake is extremely variable when it comes to color and pattern. Your snake has a large number of dark blotches, so it may not match photos of the eastern gartersnake you find on the web or in books.

They are usually found near water and prefer open, grassy areas, but can sometimes be found in wooded areas. They feed primarily on frogs, toads and earthworms. Typical length of adults is approximately 2 feet and maximum length can reach approximately 4 feet.

If threatened, they will first try to escape. If captured they may expand their head and body to make themselves appear larger. They will also strike repeatedly, and, if this does not encourage you to let them go, will bite and chew on whatever body part is available. Although nonvenomous, their saliva has been reported to cause swelling and itching in some people. I have been bitten numerous times by this species and, so far, have not experienced either of these symptoms. Reaction to the bite depends on your personal sensitivity to the components of the saliva.

Here's link where to the SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry's Snakes of New York publication where you can find out more information on this and other snake species found in New York:

An excellent field guide that includes coverage of New York species is:

Gibbons, Whit. (2017). Snakes Of The Eastern United States. Athens: The University of Georgia Press.

I hope this information answers your question, and thank you for contacting Ask an Expert.

Thanks so much for your reply!

On Mon, Jun 7, 2021, 6:43 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 2:07 PM EDT

You're welcome! Contact us anytime.


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