
Cottonwood tree not leafing out #754245

Asked June 06, 2021, 12:13 AM EDT

My 4 year old cottonwood is only leafing out with a few leaves. What can I do for it?

El Paso County Colorado

Expert Response

Looking at the photos it is difficult to tell what happened to this tree. Our weather may have contributed, especially the hard frost last September.
It does appear that there might be  a little mechanical damage toward the bottom of the tree. Perhaps from a lawn mower or weed trimmer. It is hard to see so I am uncertain about that.
From the photo on the right the tree might be planted too deep. You should be able to see the root flair at the base of the trunk and I do not see it. 
PThere is so little foliage that I think it is unlikely the tree will survive. If you want to keep it going to see if it revives I might do the following:
Trim back any branches which are dead, test by bending gently if they snap instead of bend cut them back.
Water the tree regularly, especially during hot dry weather.
apply a small dose of fertilizer. Do not over-fertilize.
Mulch around the tree. Wood based products should be no more than 2 to 3 inches deep and do not mulch all the way up to the trunk. No mulch volcano around the base of the tree.
Here are a couple of publications on tree planting a tree care:
I hope this helps.

Freddie B. Replied June 21, 2021, 4:18 AM EDT
Thank you for responding about my tree. I trimmed back the dead branches and it has leafed out some more so I think it will make it.

Phyllis M. Miranda
8120 Woody Creek Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80911
<personal data hidden>

On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 2:18 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied July 08, 2021, 6:04 PM EDT

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