
Stunted growth on Established peony plant #754237

Asked June 05, 2021, 10:21 PM EDT

Hi there! My peonies have lived in my yard for quite some time and give us beautiful flowers every year. However, this year one of the plants started growing and then stopped and didn’t mature. Also a few of the plants that did mature have almost a shriveled look to some of their leaves. I’ve looked everywhere and can’t find any answers. The first photo is the stunted growth one, the second is the more developed plant with the shriveled leaves. Two of the 5 we have (not picture) look okay. Can you help??

Adams County Colorado

Expert Response

Hey Courtney,

The symptoms you are seeing look consistent with herbicide damage.  Has any week killer been sprayed near or in the bed?  If so they may grow out of it, especially the ones that appear less affected but otherwise there is not much to do besides keep taking good care of them. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 09, 2021, 1:10 PM EDT
Thank you! I haven’t sprayed any weed killer or pesticides, but I can’t guarantee my neighbors didn’t! 

Should I try to fertilize? And water more frequently? 

Thanks again!

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Wednesday, June 9, 2021, 11:10 AM -0600 from <personal data hidden> <<personal data hidden>>:
The Question Asker Replied June 09, 2021, 2:16 PM EDT

Making sure they are are watered correctly will be helpful.  If you have already fertilized adding extra likely will not help.  

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 11, 2021, 2:06 PM EDT

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