
Magnolia with several dead branches #754231

Asked June 05, 2021, 9:26 PM EDT

My magnolia is 16 or so years old. It has been quite healthy and a prolific bloomer. However, this year there we not many blooms and there are several dead branches. The top of the tree and the ends of some branches are leaving out but I will need to cut out several dead branches. Is there something I need to do to salvage this tree?

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Magnolias are marginally hardy in Minnesota depending on the particular cultivar.  Cold winters and early frosts cause damage.  Probably the flowering decrease was a consequence of our weather.  In marginally hardy trees some branch die back is common.  Prune out the dead branches.  You can tell if the branch is dead by bending it. If it breaks off and there is no live tissue remove it to the point where there is live tissue.  

There are diseases particular to magnolias so look for those. A stressed tree is more vulnerable. The typical diseases are in the third website.  Click on the red links if you notice that symptom on your tree.  

You could fertilize it now; but do not fertilize in the fall because it will cause the tree to put out new growth that will not have time to harden off.

The websites below offer more information.





Mary, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied June 06, 2021, 7:58 AM EDT
Thank you so much. I'm going to try to keep this tree alive and thriving 

On Sun, Jun 6, 2021, 6:58 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 06, 2021, 3:01 PM EDT

You are welcome.  Good luck!

Mary, Master Gardener, Tree Care Advisor Replied June 06, 2021, 5:41 PM EDT

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