
Jumping worms #754185

Asked June 05, 2021, 5:06 PM EDT

We are a condo association in Edina. We have a resident with a home in Madison WI and another newly moving in from south Mpls. They would like to bring some of their garden plants from those homes to plant in our condo garden. Given jumping worms, would that transplanting be safe? Thanks. Florence

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thank you for writing.

Jumping worms are widespread in Wisconsin and there are numerous reports throughout Hennepin County. They are easily spread. They are asexually reproductive.

There is no way to reliably sterilize roots and no means of control once an infestation arises.  If the condo plot does not have jumping worms, I would advise against bringing in plants. If there are exceptionally valuable plants, propagating them by cuttings would be a safe long term alternative.

Since it's now getting to be spring 2022, does your advice below form 2021 re jumping worms still hold? In other words, all plants to be planted in the ground should be from nurseries and not transplanted from other gardens?
On 06/05/2021 6:01 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied March 11, 2022, 4:32 PM EST
Thank you for writing.  If you do not have jumping worms, only use soil and plants that are known to be sterile. 
These are spreading rapidly.

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