
Broccoli bugs #754178

Asked June 05, 2021, 4:09 PM EDT

Hello, I have found little bites taken out from my broccoli plants. I don’t see any aphids on them. Any idea what could cause these holes in the leaves, and any organic solutions you can think of to remedy them/ save my broccoli? I should note I found the same holes on my kale plants and a couple of my strawberry leaves. 
thank you! 

Ottawa County Michigan

Expert Response


On Jun 5, 2021, at 4:09 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

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Broccoli bugs

Hello, I have found little bites taken out from my broccoli plants. I don’t see any aphids on them. Any idea what could cause these holes in the leaves, and any organic solutions you can think of to remedy them/ save my broccoli? I should note I found the same holes on my kale plants and a couple of my strawberry leaves. 
thank you! 

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The Question Asker Replied June 05, 2021, 4:14 PM EDT

The most common insects that remove leaf material while feeding are beetles and caterpillars. This is characteristic of caterpillar feeding. Flip over the leaves and look along the main stem vein and you may find them hiding during the day. 

For just a few plants, it is as simple as picking them off on squishing them with your fingers, stomping on them with feet, or rolling the leaf over and squishing them with the leaf like a taco. They will never stop because the moths and butterflies lay eggs continually during the season. So, keep it up. You could also spray Bt, but that only works well on the small caterpillars, and has to be reapplied just as often as squish patrol.

Ben Phillips Replied June 05, 2021, 7:12 PM EDT

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