
Strawberry leaves curling down (hydroponics) #754099

Asked June 05, 2021, 8:53 AM EDT

I've found that of the strawberry plants I've been able to keep alive, the leaves are curling downwards. I'm not exactly sure if it's a nutrient deficiency or even a question of getting enough light, but I'd love to have healthier strawberry plants in general

St. Louis County Minnesota

Expert Response

Can you tell me what you are doing for fertilizer right now? Also, what is your lighting set-up?  Finally, what water are you using?

Abby Replied June 07, 2021, 10:18 AM EDT
I'm trying to get to a 10-10-10 mix using a combination of Fox Farm
and General Hydroponics fertilizers. The plants are near a window, but
I have a 100W (true watts) LED pointed at them. The water I have is
just tap water, but the PH has been acidified (between 5 and 6) with
hydroponic ph buffers

On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 9:18 AM Ask Extension <askextension> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 1:09 PM EDT


I have some ideas and am conferring with a member of the University of Minnesota Extension Horticulture department.  I hope to get back to you shortly

Abby Replied June 11, 2021, 7:55 AM EDT

Hi. Thank you for your patience, and for the additional information.  In general, growing plants hydroponically presents a host of challenges to meet the precise nutrition, water and light needs. These issues are tougher to address in the case of plants that need to flower and set fruit.  The University of Arizona is conducting research on growing strawberries hydroponically, and may have insights worthy of perusal.  Focusing on plants where the benefit comes from the vegetation, such as lettuces and herbs, can be easier.  That said, for your strawberries, here are some ideas to explore that could be affecting their growth:

1. Tap water can contain salts and softeners that injure your plants. You can test your tap water, or start using purified (e.g. reverse osmosis) water

2. Strawberries have more nutrient needs beyond nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium to grow, flower and set fruit. You may be seeing evidence of a nutrient deficiency, and want to try different nutrient supplements.

I hope this helps, and wish you luck!

Abby Replied June 15, 2021, 11:35 AM EDT

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