
What are these flying insects? #754091

Asked June 05, 2021, 12:38 AM EDT

I have these insects with wings on my ceiling, walls around lights. They fly a little and land, sometimes they crawl across the floor and beds. I have found over 50 near all the lights on the ceiling. Don’t know if gnats, flying ants or flying termites. Please help identify and offer solution how to get rid of them 

Cook County Illinois

Expert Response

I don’t see any in the day at all. Maybe few dead by the windows

The Question Asker Replied June 05, 2021, 10:37 AM EDT


These are pictures of flying ants. Some ant species produced large numbers of winged females and males ("swarmers") that fly away from the nest to create new colonies. Unfortunately, you must have an ant colony that is next to your home, and some of these swarmers have entered your home instead of the outdoors. These ants probably wandered in by chance and are not likely to begin a colony inside your home. If you find a few of these winged ants in your home, the best treatment is to vacuum them up and then throw the vacuum bag into an outdoor trash can.

These flying ants are attracted to light, either windows or light fixtures. Ants are attracted to moist places for nesting sites. Any wood that stays wet can be a potential place for ants to build a new colony. 

Are you noticing any ants other than winged ants? Ants found walking along the edges of walls or counters would be a sign of a possible ant nest within your structure. If that is the case, place baits along their trails and practice good sanitation. Ants eat the same foods we do or our pets do.  

Here is a helpful, current publication from the University of Kentucky, "Ant Control for Householders".

Doug Gucker, MS, CCA Replied June 07, 2021, 10:34 AM EDT
Thank you for the info. We do see few regular ants. But mostly these. I am seeing these flying ants sitting on the walls, crawling on floors and around lights at night. I am only seeing these at night time. In daytime I don’t see anything even around turned on lights. I see a 2-3 (usually dead ones) in daytime if I look hard in the morning. Nothing all day and than at night when I turn on the lights… they are just there around lights, floors, walls and countertops… over 50 or more .. Does that help figure out how to combat them. I don’t know where they go in daytime or where they come out of at night. I have sprayed home defense around the whole house outside. Based on the fact I only truly see them at night once I turn on lights do you still think it’s flying ants and not something else? I really appreciate any clarification or advice. Having been killing the ones inside every night for 5 nights now. Thank you so much for all your help.


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 9:34:13 AM
To: Sushma patel <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: What are these flying insects? (#0024022)
The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 10:58 AM EDT


Does your home have a basement or crawl space? If so, are you seeing ants there? If you are seeing live ants moving about in these areas, then control is needed. 

Did you spray the Ortho Home Defense on the foundation of the home? This would help create a barrier for any insect trying to crawl up the foundation. These winged ants will crawl through cracks and crevices to enter homes and buildings. Do you have a deck, front porch or patio? If so, were you able to spray around, under, and on those? 

Yes, these are winged ants that are entering your house by accident. However, the fact that they are able to enter your house means that the ants can enter your home from some opening near their nest - a crack in the foundation, doors or windows not properly sealing; electric or cable wiring not properly sealed; etc. 

If you have done all of this and the winged ants continue to enter your home, then it may be time to call in a professional exterminator.

Doug Gucker, MS, CCA Replied June 07, 2021, 11:44 AM EDT
Thank you again!
I do have a basement, I checked last night… no activity found there. I did the home defense around the foundation. So I guess I will look more closely for any openings or cracks in foundation.

From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 10:44:22 AM
To: Sushma patel <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: What are these flying insects? (#0024022)
The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 11:52 AM EDT

That sounds good, Sushma

Doug Gucker, MS, CCA Replied June 09, 2021, 12:39 PM EDT

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