
Frost damage #753803

Asked June 03, 2021, 3:30 PM EDT

I have 2 smoke bushes in my yard. They didn't lose their leaves I. The fall but did start dropping them this spring. The bushes were starting to leaf when the hard frost hit and now the leaves have withered and dried up/any advise of what I can do would be appreciated.

St. Louis County Minnesota

Expert Response

Smoke bushes bud out later than many shrubs. I would suggest waiting a few weeks prior to taking any action. Keep the shrub watered during this hot weather. If you have not seen any growth by the end of June your shrub may have declines such that it will not come back. 

Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied June 06, 2021, 8:39 PM EDT
It had budded and the leaves were starting and then the freeze-might they start again?

-----Original Message-----
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
To: Diane Andrews <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Sun, Jun 6, 2021 7:39 pm
Subject: Re: Frost damage (#0023734)

The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2021, 2:07 PM EDT

I am unsure. I would keep watered and wait a few weeks and see.

Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied June 09, 2021, 9:21 PM EDT
Thanks  The bushes are now sending out some new leaves so hopefully will be ok.

-----Original Message-----
From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
To: Diane Andrews <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wed, Jun 9, 2021 8:21 pm
Subject: Re: Frost damage (#0023734)

The Question Asker Replied June 10, 2021, 10:21 AM EDT

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