
Wood borer control advise please #753768

Asked June 03, 2021, 1:32 PM EDT

Hello Im asking on behalf of a landowner I am have a tree farm in Emmitsburg, Maryland. One of the contractors told me that I have borer bees eating the wood on both of my porches. He suggested calling pest control company. I would appreciate knowing what you would suggest I do to stop the bees from damaging the wood before I call the pest control. The birds have been hitting the front windows of the small house this Spring due to reflection on the glass. I need help with this problem too. Thanking you for your ideas and suggestions concerning these two issues. Thank you for offering any suggestions.

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

Based on your description of the bees, it sounds like you are dealing with carpenter bees. They are relatively large bees with a shiny black abdomen (rear part). If you can send us photos of the bees/damage, we would be happy to look and confirm their identity. 

Carpenter bees are not aggressive and they are valuable pollinators. One of our University of Maryland entomologists who specializes in pollinators recommended this website where carpenter bee biology and management is explained well:

If you don't want to have carpenter bees around the home, they can be managed by maintaining sound, finished wood surfaces. Painted surfaces are unattractive to nesting bees. Nail holes and cracks should be filled with caulk or putty before painting. Focus on repairing and painting structurally important wood. See our web page for tips on the prevention and management of carpenter bees.

The best times to treat wood with minimal kill would be late summer (after the summer emergence and before hibernation) or early spring (before nest building -- they are usually searching for nest sites in April-May). 

For preventing bird strikes on windows: The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is an excellent resource for research-based information on bird biology and behavior. They have a very good page that offers several things you can do to windows to help minimize bird collisions.



Sorry I missed you. I'll be out of the office today and will return
June 8th, 2021.

I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Take care,


*Agnes Kedmenecz **Woodland Stewardship Educator*

University of Maryland Extension
Wye Research and Education Center
PO Box 169 | Queenstown, MD 21658-0169
tel 410.827.8056 x125 | mobile 410.310.8445

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An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2021, 11:32 AM EDT
Thank you so much!
I sent this information to the landowner and they were very pleased! 
I also sent them your link so they can contact you if they other questions.

Take care,

Agnes Kedmenecz 
Woodland Stewardship Educator

University of Maryland Extension

Wye Research and Education Center
PO Box 169 | Queenstown, MD 21658-0169
tel 410.827.8056 x125 | mobile 410.310.8445


On Fri, Jun 4, 2021 at 11:30 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 10, 2021, 3:07 PM EDT

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