
Fertilizing fruit trees #753767

Asked June 03, 2021, 1:31 PM EDT

I have several fruit trees in my yard including apple, pear, peach, and plum. What is the best way to fertilizing them? In the past I have used a root water device that you put pellet in and push in ground to fertilizer them. Is this the best approach or should I be using a surface fertilizer or the stakes you push into the ground? Also what is the best type of fertilizer to use?

Larimer County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Rick,

Are these trees in a lawn that receives regular fertilizer? If so, the trees are benefitting. They are all sharing the same rooting space and water/nutrients you provide.

For the most part, you don't want to rely on fertilizer, instead focus on good cultural practices. Proper pruning, water, mulch, and maintaining good tree health. 

If the tree isn't in a lawn or an area that receives regular fertilizer, then you can use a product that you think works best. The "deep root" fertilizers aren't super effective because tree roots are pretty shallow. So you could use something granular and apply it around the dripline of the trees...or even use water-soluble fertilizer applied with a watering can or a hose-end sprayer. 

Remember not to fertilize stressed trees--it can make them push growth at the expense of their overall health.

Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied June 03, 2021, 2:31 PM EDT

Thanks a lot for the information.  Is there a particular fertilizer you would recommend or a particular blend?  My trees are not in the yard were I fertilize the lawn.



On 6/3/2021 12:31 PM, Ask Extension wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 04, 2021, 12:25 PM EDT

Hi Rick,

Look for a fertilizer that lists fruit trees on the label and apply according to the directions. All fertilizers "work" and it would be your choice if they are organic or synthetic. More importantly is applying them correctly. 

Alison O'Connor, PhD Replied June 04, 2021, 12:31 PM EDT

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