
Good books for plant choice? #753707

Asked June 03, 2021, 10:35 AM EDT

Hi! I am originally from Arizona and we had a few standards that were always recommended for choosing plants like the booklet called "Landscape Plants for the Arizona Desert" put together by the Arizona Municipal Water Users Association. I was wondering if you could recommend any good sources for the Colorado climate for picking trees, shrubs, plants and vines. I found the website and will definitely use that as well. Anything you can recommend in the way of books, pamphlets and publications would be very helpful. I do see your publications library and will be looking through those. Thank you!!

Grand County Colorado

Expert Response

Thank you so much for the references I really appreciate it. I was able to find a few decent books as well. 

On Tue, Jun 8, 2021, 10:05 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 08, 2021, 1:15 PM EDT

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