
Water high pH treatment problems #753643

Asked June 02, 2021, 9:12 PM EDT

My well water has a pH of 9.0.  I used vinegar to lower the pH with success but it has caused another issue.  "Mother of Vinegar" gel now clogs my filters within 10 days even though I have stopped using the vinegar.  I have switched to citric acid instead and after 2 months still have problems with my filters.

My well water is pumped into a 500 gallon tank which is treated before distribution to the property plumbing system.  How do I flush the system and get rid of the "Mother of Vinegar"?  Or is there something else which is causing the "gel" to form.  I had no problems with the water system for 8 years prior to using the vinegar to lower the pH.  Filters would last for months before needing changed.

Thank you for your assistance.

Catron County New Mexico

Expert Response

Hi Jens; Is there any reason to believe that you have a source of "carbon" in your water tank? For instance, could your well water have become "dirty" due to a recent heavy rain storm? That would have carried with it disolved organic matter into the water table, which would provide a carbon source for bacteria or other microbes to form the "Mother of Vinegar" upon dropping the pH with the vinegar or citric acid. 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 07, 2021, 9:20 AM EDT

Thank you for your response.  I have been traveling and couldn’t reply.

We haven’t had any heavy rains, since last summer.  The well is also 400’ deep and the static water level is around 200’.  Based on your thoughts about organic matter, I tried “shocking” the plumbing system (storage tank, pressure tank & pump) like you would a well.  The well will always have bacteria in it from the compressed air used to bring the water to the surface, so I didn’t shock the well.  I used the formula of 100ppm of bleach to shock the system.

So far, I have gone longer than the usual 10 days to change the filters.  If I have no issues, I will check the filters the middle of next month just to be sure.


Thank you again.




From: Ask Extension
Sent: Monday, June 7, 2021 7:20 AM
To: Jens Swenson <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Water high pH treatment problems (#0023574)


The Question Asker Replied June 26, 2021, 2:17 PM EDT

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