
spots on tree leaves #753619

Asked June 02, 2021, 6:03 PM EDT

What's wrong with my tree and what should I do about it?

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

The tree is about 26yo and in full sun all day. I have it pruned every two years.

The Question Asker Replied June 02, 2021, 6:13 PM EDT

Maple trees are susceptible to several varieties of fungal leaf spots. It can vary from year to year how much shows up.

The good news is that they are not of concern and there is nothing that you need to do. The leaves have plenty of green tissue and the trees makes more leaves than they need to support themselves.


Hello Christine,

Thank you so much for your quick reply! I'm relieved. I love my tree and depend on it for some privacy.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 9:42 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2021, 10:04 AM EDT

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