
Peach Tree Fungus #753602

Asked June 02, 2021, 4:33 PM EDT

We planted a peach tree about two years ago and recently noticed something happening on the bark and then a few days later noticed the leaves. After a quick google search, we believe it is peach leaf curl but we aren’t sure how to treat it or if we should remove the whole tree and plant a new one. The tree is in full sun in our front yard with other fruit bearing trees (apple & plum and one other peach).

Frederick County Maryland

Expert Response

Growing fruit trees require a pretty big committment of time and mangement strategies.   It is a good idea to adopt a spray schedule for all fruit trees in order to keep them healhty and to get fruit that is of good quality.   You can find a good reference guide from VA Tech here:

As for the peach leaf curl disease that you submitted photos of, it is caused by a fungus, but at this point there is not any treatment that can be done.   This fall after leaf fall and early next spring will be the time that you will need to act to treat this problem. Additional information can be found at these sites:

Best of luck and please reach out with additional questions or concerns. Thanks! 

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