
Our boxwoods need help #753567

Asked June 02, 2021, 3:14 PM EDT

Hello-- we're a 501c3 restoring the James E. Bonine House in Vandalia, MI. Our boxwoods are turning brown, our giant yews are turning brown, and we have a couple other concerns. We're hoping there is someone in the area that could visit us and diagnose what's going on, and recommend treatment if necessary. We're happy to pay a consulting/travel fee. Thanks very much, Cathy LaPointe, treasurer, Underground Railroad Society of Cass County

Cass County Michigan

Expert Response


We can try to diagnose what is happening from photos you can upload to this site.  Please take photos of the entire shrubs and then, some close-ups of anything that may be occurring on the leaves, branches, etc.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2021, 10:19 AM EDT

Attached are pics of our boxwood in distress.  They are from 3-7 years old.  Also our very old yews are in bad shape.  We're surrounded by farm fields and they spray their crops.  Could that have anything to do with this?  It's never happened before, although they spray every year.  Any recommendations you have are much appreciated.  Thanks, Cathy


From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Friday, June 04, 2021 10:20 AM
To: Cathy LaPointe <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Our boxwoods need help (#0023498)


The Question Asker Replied June 04, 2021, 7:28 PM EDT

Thank you for the photos. It looks like the boxwoods are battling boxwood leaf miner, which causes the sort of blistery-looking and brown leaves, as well as the boxwood psyllid. You can read more about these pests and management here: Boxwood insect pests

For the yews, those lines of holes look like damage from a bird - possibly a sapsucker. I don't think this feeding (or the amount I can see in the photos) would cause that much browning/die back in the canopy, though. The browning of the above ground growth is symptomatic of a few things - sensitivity to de-cing salts (is this plant near a sidewalk?), root issues (what is the soil like in this area - yews do best in well drained soil and are sensitive to "wet feet") and winter damage. Has there been any sort of construction or recent changes near the yews?

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