
Killer bees #753484

Asked June 02, 2021, 11:14 AM EDT

Hello- I live in Adelphi, very close to UMD. One of my neighbors says that a killer bee entered her home and after a while she was able to kill it. Are you aware of killer bees in the UMD/Adelphi area?

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response

No, Africanized Honeybees (the so-called "killer bees") are not known to occur in MD. They are also not known to be cold-hardy enough to withstand winters north of about Atlanta, GA. A cousin, the Asian Giant Hornet (sensationally nicknamed the "murder hornet"), was only found in the Pacific Northwest very recently and is similarly not in MD. Instead, our most commonly-encountered large hornet is the non-native (but long-established) European Hornet.

Bees and wasps can accidentally wander inside or become trapped while foraging but should not be aggressive unless swatted or a nearby nest is disturbed. Nests in building walls are not unheard of, but would probably have resulted in more encounters.

If your neighbor still has the insect and can share pictures of it with you, we can see if we can identify it, assuming it's not too badly squished.


Hello Miri- 

I am so sorry for my delayed acknowledgement of your reply to my inquiry.  This was all very interesting.  I have shared the info with our neighbor.  

Many thanks for your time and assistance, 

The Question Asker Replied June 21, 2021, 1:02 PM EDT

Hello Magalie,

That's quite alright, don't worry about it. We're happy to try to ID any insects a resident would like to submit in the future, whether they're concerned about safety or just curious about what's flying around the house/yard.


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