
Found a hole in my garden bed #753454

Asked June 02, 2021, 9:21 AM EDT

Hello, hoping you can help me with the gardening issue. I found this morning a whole borrowed in my cucumber bad. I have a fence around it so I’m not sure if somethings squeezed through her hopped over? The whole is about 3 inches in diameter. I’m sure it will ruin my cucumber plants if I don’t get it out. Can you tell me what would do this, and what should I do? I need help! Thank you.

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

PLEASE excuse all the misspelled words.. I used voice text and did not go back and fix the horrible grammar before sending!

Hole not whole
Bed not bad

*something squeezed thought the hole or hopped over

This is embarrassing!  :(

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To: Pam Hardin <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Wed, Jun 2, 2021 9:21 am
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Found a hole in my garden bed

Hello, hoping you can help me with the gardening issue. I found this morning a whole borrowed in my cucumber bad. I have a fence around it so I’m not sure if somethings squeezed through her hopped over? The whole is about 3 inches in diameter. I’m sure it will ruin my cucumber plants if I don’t get it out. Can you tell me what would do this, and what should I do? I need help! Thank you.
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The Question Asker Replied June 02, 2021, 9:25 AM EDT

Pam, thanks for the question.

This is most likely a raccoon trying to find some food.  Check out the following link for ideas on how to keep them out of your garden:

I hope this helps.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 02, 2021, 11:21 PM EDT

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