
Maple tree problems #753321

Asked June 01, 2021, 3:38 PM EDT

My maple tree seems to be taken over with aphids. Is it something that I can leave for the rain to take care of, or do I need to spray with neem oil? The tree is definitely mature and the leaves have black spots all the way up the tree. I recently sprayed boxwoods with neem oil to treat for aphids. I also have lots of ants in the dirt at the base of the tree. Is this a problem for my tree?

Livingston County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Stacey

The spots on the leaves are a type of gall and will not harm the tree. There is no need to spray for them.

Ants do not kill trees, but they may live in open areas around the tree or crawl along the branches. 

Do you see any aphids on the leaves? What color are they? Is ther a sticky sap dripping from the leaves or branches anywhere?

I see a little cracking along the trunk. Please attach two more pictures- one of the trunk taken from about 5-6 feet back, and showing where the trunk enters the soil.

Take a second one of any area of damaged bark or wet bark on the trunk— from about 3 feet back. This should give us clear pictures. 
Thank you.

There are tiny red dots on the leaves. I guess I was assuming the red dots were aphids, but in closer inspection they aren't.

Yes, the trunk is split in a few places, but I don't see any sap or anything wet on the tree or the branches, just a little discoloration.

On Tue, Jun 1, 2021, 4:14 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 7:41 PM EDT


Yes the red spots are galls, and very common on maples and other trees. They are harmless, and part of the ecosystem.

The best thing you can do for all your trees is  to water whenever we have had no good amount of rain for two weeks, so soil is moist about 10 inches down after watering.( dig down to verify this so you know how long to run the hose)  For large trees a soaker hose in a ring around the trunk about 4 feet out, and then moved about 8 feet out, will make this task easier. Lawn spri klers do not deliver enough water for deep tree roots, only for the grass roots 4 inches down.

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