
tomato leaf problem spreading to cucumbers too #753317

Asked June 01, 2021, 3:32 PM EDT

Hi 3/4 tomato plants have the light brown powder, patches on their leaves. See photo What is this and how do I treat it. Thank you

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

 The photo is pretty small. This looks like environmental injury -  challenging spring weather conditions for tender annual plants. Without seeing or knowing more we think the plants will outgrow it.


Hi Marian


Thanks for the reply. Here are some more pictures. Hopefully you can make them large enough for proper viewing. I very much appreciate whether your assessment changes based on these new photos. All are tomoato but one is of an affected cucumber leaf.




Giselle Bleecker 

The Question Asker Replied June 02, 2021, 2:34 PM EDT

Thank you for the additional photos. This looks like environmental injury as mentioned above. For example, challenging spring weather conditions - cool temperatures, wind, cool, wet soils, etc.

These are warm season plants that grow best in warm temperatures and soils. Plants tend to grow out of it if not affected by further stressors.


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