
Peach Tree Problem - Bacterial Spot?? #753305

Asked June 01, 2021, 3:06 PM EDT

I have a peach tree I bought from a nursery a couple weeks ago. When planting it, I noticed spots on the leaves. The spots are more noticeable on the plant now, some leaves are curling and some have fallen off, and I noticed some peeling bark on the trunk. My findings on the internet suggest possible bacterial spot. I’ve included some pictures. Can you help me diagnose the problem? Thank you. Dawn Bagley

Kent County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- the leaf curling could be due to environmental stress- variable spring weather and transplant shock. Bark peeling could have been caused by rough handling or rubbing. 

The leaf symptoms are consistent with bacterial spot, a common disease that affects foliage, shoots, and fruit. It's also possible that weather conditions caused some or all of the symptoms. But if the symptoms are spreading, especially after a hard rainfall, it could very well be bacterial spot. You may want to search the name of your cultivar + bacterial spot to determine if it's susceptible (most peach cultivars are susceptible to some degree).

Copper sprays before green tissue shows in spring and again after leaf drop in fall can help control bacterial spot. Copper is known to burn peach foliage (see Penn State page below).

Web pages about this disease:

VA Tech home fruit spray schedule (section 3 beginning on page 98; covers all major pests and diseases except bacterial spot): 


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