
Snowball Bush in dire situation #753275

Asked June 01, 2021, 1:15 PM EDT

My Snowball bush, which use to always be lush and beautiful is in very bad shape. It did not bloom last year and the leaves came on very late. This year the leaves came and it bloomed, but small snowballs, now within a matter of days this weekend it looks like skeleton. The leaves are being eaten to the edge of the leaf itself. I do not see any bugs or insects.I have attached pictures. I don't know how old the bush is, I bought my home 11 years ago and it was as tall as the roof line at that time. Can my bush be saved? What should I do? Thank you very much!

Livingston County Michigan

Expert Response

Snowball viburnum is one of the most susceptible species to viburnum leaf beetle, which can be pretty heavy defoliators. It looks to me like that may be what is causing this feeding damage. 

Cornell University has a helpful VLB site with information about what stages of the beetle to look for, where/when and how to manage this pest: Viburnum Leaf Beetle

The plant itself could be in decline due to old age, or because of something that is less than ideal about the site or environment. The failure to flower and light flowering this year could also be due to this, or because of late spring frosts that may have "zapped" the flower buds.

I have a few questions for you:

  • Have you seen this sort of feeding damage in previous years? If so, for how many years?
  • How do you take care of the shrub (water, fertilizer, pruning)?
  • Has there been any change to the site in recent years?

Hi and thank you,


Answers to questions

  1. No I have never seen this damage before, it was always a very robust, beautiful bush, loaded with huge blooms
  2. In the last 2 years I have had to do a lot of pruning of dead branches, bush is about half as big as it used to be.
  3. Only changes are the pruning and an ornamental grass near the bush was moved about 4 years ago.


How long to snowball bushes live? It was such a beautiful bush and one of the reasons I bought my house.


Thank you,





From: Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Tuesday, June 1, 2021 5:42 PM
To: Sandy Reed <<personal data hidden>>
Subject: Re: Snowball Bush in dire situation (#0023206)


The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 5:58 PM EDT

Thank you for your answers. I believe the lifespan is usually >50 years, but it depends on a lot of factors. This plant will need a little extra TLC to help it overcome the feeding damage. We have had some hot, dry summers and regular watering can be really helpful to bolster overall shrub health. I think this would be a great first step in helping it regain some strength. 

Water the shrub when we have had minimal rainfall (ie. two straight weeks without significant rain.) You can lay a hose at the base of the shrub and let it run until the first 8 inches of the soil are moist. I would continue to do that through the growing season. 

One other idea is to get a soil test to see what the soil conditions are and current soil fertility, which could be limiting above ground growth. You can get started here and you will also receive recommendations for fertilizing the shrub if needed: MSU Soil Test

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