
Native Grass Identification Request #753266

Asked June 01, 2021, 12:53 PM EDT

Hello, my name is Mike Steinbach, I live close to Golden Ponds and I was wondering if you could please help me with my request. The grass that is shown in the attached pictures is growing all over in nature areas and I was hoping you could identify it. The pictures were taken at Golden Ponds Nature area. Would you be able to let me know where I can purchase seed for this type of grass? Thank you very much for your help. Mike Steinbach<personal data hidden> 701 Allen Drive Longmont CO 80503

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

I can't identify the grass from the photos you sent, the photos are not detailed enough to be able to tell.

I am familiar with Golden Ponds and know that a lot of the sod forming grass there is smooth brome.  It is an introduced pasture grass.

Image 3715 might be Western wheatgrass due to the blue green color of the foliage.  It is a weak sod forming, native grass.

I know there is also a wildrye growing there too.  It is an introduced bunch grass.

All three of these grasses grow fairly tall, 3 - 4' and are not suitable for a turfgrass lawn.  The wildrye could be a specimen grass since it is a bunch grass.

What do you want to use this grass for in your landscape?  I may be able to suggest some other grasses.

I'll attach a list of local seed companies where you can purchase the seed.

Please contact me directly<personal data hidden> or <personal data hidden> for additional information.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 03, 2021, 1:13 PM EDT
Thank you very much for your detailed explanations. That is very helpful.
I did see the Wildrye at Golden Ponds too.
I was looking for a native grass type with a height of up to 6". It also could be one of the bushel types.
I would like to make an area that does need additional water or a very small amount.
That is very nice of you to offer your help.
Have a great day.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 11:13 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2021, 3:19 PM EDT

There is also blue grama at Golden Ponds.  It is a warm season bunch grass that is just now beginning to green up.  It is a native and is often used for lawns.  It can get to 12 to 18” tall but most of that height is due to the seed heads.  Most of the leaves are only 6 to 10” tall.  Being a native once it is established it doesn’t require additional water and limited mowing.  It is our state grass. 
The other option is buffalograss.  Which only grows about 4” tall.  Most people don’t like it since it is brown most of the year.
If you want to see them we have them on display on the Fairgrounds.  Its in the fenced area east of the Natural Resources Building.

Thank you,

Sent from my iPhone

On Jun 3, 2021, at 1:19 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 03, 2021, 4:09 PM EDT
Hello Sharon,
Thank you so much for taking the time explaining the various grasses to me. That is very helpful and very much appreciated.
I do like the Blue Grama and will plant that for sure. Thank you for the recommendation.
This morning I walked at  Lykins Gulch and saw the attached flowers and grasses. Whenever you have a minute - there is no rush at all - could you please have a peek and let me know if you recognize some of them? The flowers would add some color.
Thanks again for all your help. Have a great weekend.

On Thu, Jun 3, 2021 at 2:09 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 04, 2021, 1:22 PM EDT


I can't see enough of the features on the two grasses to be able to tell what they are.

3886 is Hairy golden aster Heterotheca villosa a native

3888 is Redstem filaree a C listed noxious weed, related to our native geraniums which would be a better alternative

3885 is Scarlet globemallow Sphaeralcea coccinea a native

You can send photos to me directly at <personal data hidden>

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2021, 2:15 PM EDT

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