
Cicada question #753265

Asked June 01, 2021, 12:52 PM EDT

Hi! I live in UA and have spent a lot of money protecting 6 newly planted trees from Cicadas, and there currently are none where I live, (Upper Arlington, right across from Griggs Reservoir the actual dam) on the east side. I know Dublin, Worthington, and other parts of UA have the cicadas. My question is, I want to unwrap my trees, as the branches are trying to grow. How long do I have to wait to do this? How long do I have to wait to see bugs in my burg and if I haven't seen any by now, (June 1, 2021) does that mean they aren't coming to my area? and I can unwrap my trees?? thanks!!

Franklin County Ohio

Expert Response


Hard to say if you will get pressure from cicadas on your trees or not.  Emergence has been spotty in some parts of central Ohio.  Do you remember if you had a problem back in 2004?  Cicadas do not migrate far.  If none burrowed into the ground on your property back then, then you probably will not have any now, or at least just a few.  Emergence weather and soil temperatures were a little delayed in May but are good now.  Our experts at BYGL do not think that the damage that they do to trees is necessarily a bad thing, see this LINK.  You will have to determine if the damage from cicadas outweighs potential damage from keeping wrapping on too long to developing stems. 


Timothy McDermott DVM Replied June 01, 2021, 2:01 PM EDT

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