
Eradication of Mites in home #753182

Asked June 01, 2021, 8:32 AM EDT

We may have bird mites in our home, we had a dermatologist do a biopsy on the body bites. This insect may have entered by the seed feeder being in the home several times overnight. Can you direct us to an expert in the field and best way(s) to treat it?

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response

Hi Beth,

Do you have specimens of these mites.  Is there a bird nest directly on your home?


Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied June 03, 2021, 8:57 PM EDT
Dear Howard, no I have not been able to find any mites. It was shared with me through a biopsy done by a pathologist of the bite. I do feed birds and squirrels in my yard. I have not seen any bird or squirrel nests on our home, an insect company suggested we look for them in the gutters or in any vents. If I go out now in the yard I wear clothing that covers my body. I was told that the mites would not be transferred in the house by a bird feeding tray. Thoughts?

On Thu, 3 Jun 2021, 8:57 pm Ask Extension, <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2021, 9:17 PM EDT

Hi Beth,

If you don't see mites, then you probably are not suffering from bird mites.  Bird mites are relatively large mites and are usually only a problem when birds build their nests directly on the house.  They are not known to enter homes on bird feeders.


Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied June 04, 2021, 8:46 AM EDT
Thanks very much for your helpful expertise. So I must have gotten them outside while feeding the birds. I am not sure if all of the rash all over my body is associated with just bird mites unless I am extremely allergic. He only did pathology biopsy in one place. I continue to have the rash after 4 weeks and using high potency cortisone. Would the rash continue for this long with this mite? I think we will also look for birds nests on the house. Thanks again for your further advice.

On Fri, 4 Jun 2021, 8:46 am Ask Extension, <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 04, 2021, 9:02 AM EDT
Probably not.
Howard Russell, Entomologist Replied June 05, 2021, 7:21 AM EDT

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