
cooked oatmeal with ground flax seed #753171

Asked May 31, 2021, 11:55 PM EDT

I grind a small amount of organic flax see each morning, and cook it with my organic rolled oats. My understanding is that the nutritional value is best if it is ground just before eating. Here is my question: if I cook a triple portion of this mix and then save 2/3 of it in the refrigerator for the next two days, is the nutritional value somewhat diminished? That is does the ground flax seed lose out since I am not eating it all that first morning? If the answer is yes, then I will return to just making one portion each day. Thanks for your help with this question.

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Ground flax meal nutrition is mostly heat stable. The B vitamins may be reduced by cooking but the omega 3 fats and fibers are not affected. Making larger portions of oats cooked with ground flaxseeds and saving over several days should not dramatically reduce nutrition in ground flaxseeds.

That said, it is unusual to add ground flax before cooking unless using in muffins, pancake batter or other baked goods recipes. I would recommend adding ground flaxseeds to cooked oatmeal to retain the B vitamins. You can grind several day's worth of flax seeds and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator or freezer until ready for use.

You can also toss ground flaxseeds into yogurt, on salads or with cooked vegetables. Two tablespoons per day is considered a serving.

Just the information I need. Thank you very much. I will now grind it and add raw to my oatmeal. Two tablespoons per day.


On 6/2/2021 4:05 PM, Ask Extension wrote:
The Question Asker Replied June 02, 2021, 10:37 PM EDT

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