
Use of Lime on Lawn #753157

Asked May 31, 2021, 9:40 PM EDT

Our lawn grass near our Blue Spruce and other evergreen trees does not grow well. I understand the rain water is acidic when it comes off the evergreen trees. Would application of granular lime help? If so, how often and how much should be used? I have a rotary spreader. Thank you..

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi Wayne,

Actually, pine trees do not make the soil more acidic.  Here are a couple of articles that discusses that garden "legend":

To quote the second article, "If you are having difficulty growing other plants under your pine trees it is likely due to the fact that evergreen roots are numerous and shallow and compete for water and nutrients. The shady conditions under a tree cans also make growing other plants a challenge."

And an article that talks about testing the pH of your soil:

Hope these help!

Kind Regards, Replied June 01, 2021, 10:44 AM EDT
Thank you for your quick response and variety of answers. A follow-up question is should I still add some lime to the lawn for general health and to green it up in addition to the four fertilizer applications each year?


On Jun 1, 2021, at 8:44 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 10:33 PM EDT

Hello Wayne.  I am sending an additional write-up specifically on turf care.  This write-up discusses best practices for a healthy turf, including mowing height, amount of water needed, aeration, and nutrients needed and when to apply them.  To your question, many of the soils in Colorado are naturally alkaline, not acidic and do not need lime.  CSU has a lab that can test a soil sample from your property if you would like to know how acidic your soil is.  I have included a fact sheet on how to do this as well.

Basic Turf Management Principles: 

Soil Sampling:

Kind Regards, Replied June 02, 2021, 3:07 PM EDT

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