
Minnesota Redbud #753134

Asked May 31, 2021, 7:25 PM EDT

Hello. May 2020 I had a Minnesota Redbud professionally planted on the west side of the house. It does not receive full sun due to a King Maple, and an ash tree. Sun is maybe five hours a day. This spring every branch was covered in flowers. It is May 2021 and the leaf development is poor and small, and missing many leaves on the branches. Question: Can this tree be dug up, and moved to a sunnier location? Would it survive a move? Thank you so much.

Ramsey County Minnesota

Expert Response

Hello Helane, happy to help.

Yes, you can move it.  Redbuds need much more sun than that.  Hopefully, the new sunnier spot will also be where you can enjoy the flowers every spring.

I don't think the roots have expanded much since you planted it; so I recommend digging a circle a few inches bigger than the original diameter of the tree base when you bought it.  Plunge your shovel straight down (not slanted inward) as you create the circle.  Then try to dig under at least as deep as the shovel and maybe a little deeper.  Move the tree onto a tarp of some sort to carefully transfer it over to its new home which should have been dug and ready.  Then plant it making sure the root flare is at soil level.

Here is some great information about how to help your tree get established through good watering attention.  The page contains a table showing how many years it takes based on the diameter of the tree at planting time.  I'd use the diameter of the tree when you move it this year and follow the link's recommendation.


eGardener Replied June 06, 2021, 5:09 PM EDT

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