
How do I treat distressed Sweetshrub - Michael Lindsay variety #753058

Asked May 31, 2021, 12:31 PM EDT

Hello. I have treated these shrubs for what looks like scale once a week for past 2 weeks with Bonide systemic treatment at recommended strength. Leaves are 1/8 normal size and are brittle, some with yellow perimeter. They were the same last year and then transplanted 2 months ago. What should I do? Thx.

Charles County Maryland

Expert Response

A bit more information would help us to narrow-down possible causes for their condition.

Do you know what type of scale you suspected the plants had? We do not see signs of scale in the photos, though the filter that the camera seems to be using (blurring the background) makes detailed assessment difficult. Do you know what Bonide product you used (what it's active ingredient was)?

The foliage appears to be in decent condition, and any discoloration that may be present in the photos is minimal. Leaf size changes along with potential nutrient deficiency suggests a root health issue, where they are not functioning well in order to supply the foliage with enough moisture and/or nutrients. Or, there are girdling roots "choking" the base of the stem(s) near the surface of the soil, which can be common among plants that have become quite rootbound prior to sale and planting; they restrict the moisture and nutrient flow between the roots and the top growth. The recent transplanting - around the time they'd be ready to leaf-out for the season - may have also set them back in terms of root growth. If so, they will need more time to recover, with regular monitoring for watering needs as we move into summer and more prolonged, hot dry spells.

Was any herbicide used in this area? (Weed killer for lawns, flower beds, spot-sprays, etc.) Sometimes sub-lethal herbicide exposure on desirable plants affects foliage by means of stunting, distortion, and discoloration.

When the Sweetshrubs were first planted, were the root balls loosened well, assuming they were pot-bound? When they were moved a couple of months ago, was there indication the roots had grown out of the old root ball size, or were they still in that original pot shape?


Hi Miri.  Thank you for answering my emails.  I will send you additional information that you requested for the sweetshrubs this afternoon.  
Best regards,

On Jun 1, 2021, at 10:29 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 11:48 AM EDT

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