
Sticky liquid covering leaves #753048

Asked May 31, 2021, 11:43 AM EDT

My Dieffenbachia has grown beautifully for years. Now the leaves are covered with a sticky liquid that drips onto the floor. The plant is now on the porch, away from the other house plants. What happened?

Baltimore City County Maryland

Expert Response


What you describe is most likely either an aphid or mealybug infestation.  Both of these insects suck on the liquid in the plant leaves resulting in the "sticky liquid" you describe.

You were wise to move the plant away from your other house plants.  You can try washing the leaves with an insecticidal soap available in garden centers or the garden section of stores like Lowes and Home Depot.  It may take several applications; follow the directions on the container.

If the plant is heavily infested, you may be able to see the insects on the underside of the leaves and the stems.  In this case, unless there is an emotional attachment to the plant, you may want to dispose of it and get a new one.

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The Question Asker Replied June 01, 2021, 7:47 PM EDT

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