
Orange-brown patches in lawn -what are they and how to treat? #753026

Asked May 31, 2021, 8:14 AM EDT

History: Early April applied fertilizer w crab gr prevention, but drop spreader wasn’t working consistently, and had some line appearance. So to treat for broadleaf used ortho with ortho hose-attached sprayer May 16. In retrospect I see I over applied the ortho at 150% recommended. Much of the lawn did not even have weeds. Thought this might be chemical burn, so watered 2-3x per week for one week. Got some mushrooms maybe from dead weeds. Applied mild liquid fertilizer, Urban Farm, at low rate May 22. Don’t think there is any rusty spores on grass. Appears to be green at base of blade with dead section above the base.

Kalamazoo County Michigan

Expert Response

I suspect a) chemical injury but it might also be b) Spring/Fall leaf blight too.

a) You have done the right action by watering to dilute the chemical concentration.  Correct the problem so you don't repeat it again next time.  Consider spot spraying only the weedy areas of your lawn if "much of the lawn did not even have weeds".

b) Spring/Fall Leaf Blight is a fungal disease where the leave die back from the tips.  Most prevalent in warm (60-80F) - humid conditions.  More severe on stressed turf or turf treated with grass herbicide.  Cultural controls include:  1) maintain adequate fertility, 2) mow at species recommended height, when turf is dry, 3) minimize leaf wetness and 4) avoid herbicide applications when periods of hot, humid weather are expected.

Tips on lawn maintenance:

Get a soil test to know the soil your turf is growing in. Knowing the condition of your soil is the starting point to establishing & maintaining a good lawn. More info here: Don't Guess-Soil Test-MSU and MSU Home Soil Test-self mailer

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Dick M. Replied June 02, 2021, 9:47 AM EDT
Thanks so much, Dick!

On Jun 2, 2021, at 9:47 AM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 04, 2021, 7:02 AM EDT

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