
Curling leaves on you pin oak #752951

Asked May 30, 2021, 1:02 PM EDT

Hello, I'm looking for a diagnosis for a condition I'm seeing on a young pin oak. A number of leaves have begun to curl up from the tip towards the stem. The curled part does not seem dry or brittle and so far doesn't have much discoloration. Is this just anthracnose? I'm worried that it could be oak wilt... Any insight is appreciated! Thanks, Josh

Hennepin County Minnesota

Expert Response

This may well be anthracnose.  Overwintering fungi is spread by rain and wind, and cool wet springs facilitate this disease.  Once the weather becomes warm and dry, the condition should be controlled.  I'm attaching an article which speaks to your question and talks about the possible causes of leaf curl on oaks.  The article discusses identification of the problem and how to treat it.

For a definitive diagnosis, bring a sample to the University of Minnesota's plant disease clinic  -

Diane M Replied May 31, 2021, 8:07 AM EDT

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