
Daconil on pear trees / Black spots on pear tree leaves #752746

Asked May 28, 2021, 3:26 PM EDT

I applied Daconil to a pear tree but then saw that it is not recommended for Pears. What are the risks/ damages of using it on pear trees? is the growing fruit damaged? Also, the images show the spots I am seeing on leaves; is it fungus, bacteria, or is it because it was sprayed with the fungicide? How can it be treated?

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- Daconil is not registered for apple and pear. The application you made will not injure fruits or create a food safety issue. Just don't use it anymore on you pear tree.

Check the orange spots closely. The spots could be symptoms of one of the rust diseases. 

The spots are not consistent with spray injury. Sometimes pear leaves develop black spots that are caused by cold temps and extreme early spring weather or low food reserves in the roots going into the winter dormant period. Please send additional photos if spots expand or change in appearance as there are a number of leaf spot diseases of pear (including the rusts).

VA Tech fruit spray schedule with good descriptions of different fruit pesticides (section 3 beginning on page 85):



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