Created iron chlorosis in Passiflora lutea due to Leafminers? Excessive Fertilizer? - Ask Extension
I have a Passiflora lutea vine in back yard and believe I accidentally caused it to experience iron chlorosis. I believe this happened after adding t...
Created iron chlorosis in Passiflora lutea due to Leafminers? Excessive Fertilizer? #752745
Asked May 28, 2021, 3:21 PM EDT
I have a Passiflora lutea vine in back yard and believe I accidentally caused it to experience iron chlorosis. I believe this happened after adding too much phosphorus to the soil because it occurred within a day (maybe 48 hrs) of applying too much Dr. Earth Flower Food. Is there a way I can bring this pant into balance before it dies? Could I add a fertilizer that doesn’t have phosphorus to help it? I can’t loose the plant too many pollinators de[end on it. Help! Thanks for all your time and consideration. Stephey
Richmond County Virginia