
Maple tree issue #752694

Asked May 28, 2021, 11:25 AM EDT

A maple in our yard started dropping seed pods with 4-6 leaves attached to each. This started about 5 days ago. One morning I picked up over 85 of these! They seem to be broken off just after the few leaves. Do you have any idea what would cause this?

Windham County Vermont

Expert Response

As of today, 5.29.2021, my husband saw 4 squirrels moving up in the tree branches and immediately after, a couple seed pods with leaves attached, fell to the ground.  So, we are thinking we have a few squirrels causing the tree damage.

The Question Asker Replied May 29, 2021, 2:46 PM EDT

Hi, Judi. Thanks for your question and your update.  Maples vary in the quantity of seeds they produce, from year to year and from different varieties of maple.  The time of year that seeds drop varies by variety, from spring to fall.  So, without knowing what kind of maple you have, it might be perfectly normal to have a more than usual quantity of seeds dropping at this time. Typically this happens the year after a tree has been “stressed”, for example by drought or a harsh winter.

Your observation of the squirrel activity makes sense, especially knowing that squirrels do use the maple seeds as a food source.  Great sleuthing! This might well explain the attached leaves.

Here is a link to another Ask Extension answer with more maple seed info.

Let me know if I can help further.


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