
Neglected knockout roses fail to thrive #752689

Asked May 28, 2021, 10:56 AM EDT

3 knockout roses have done OK but not great in full sun in same spot for 10+ years. Always bloomed, though not nearly as much as others I see and shape was spindly, not a full bush. Had some insect or disease that ate leaves for many seasons but I never addressed it. Never did anything to help them along after first few years other than pruning and snipping off spent blooms throughout season. No fertilizer, no mulch, no extra water. I know, my bad. Pruned them to a foot or less in March. Very slow to grow after this pruning. Never had this limited growth after pruning before. See just one flower bud. See photos. Can they be saved? Or better to invest in new knockout roses. If new ones needed, hardiest variety? Thanks.

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

Your roses actually do not look too bad -- don't give up on them! Damage from roseslug sawflies and fungal leaf spots are some of the more common problems we see on roses at this time of year, but your foliage looks pretty healthy. The pruning you did is a good practice.

To address the slow growth, it would be good to investigate the conditions of your soil. Roses benefit from regular watering and fertilizing. It has been very dry this spring in many areas. Also, have you had your soil tested? Roses benefit from fertilizing but it is first a good idea to submit a soil sample to a lab to check your pH and current nutrient levels. The pH will affect which nutrients can be taken up in the plants. An optimal range for roses is a pH between 6.0 - 6.5. Here is our information on how to have your soil tested:

This page from the University of Missouri Extension has very good information about watering and fertilizing roses.

I also recommend removing weeds from around the base of your roses since weed plants will compete for water and nutrients.


Hi Christa,

Thanks for your prompt reply. This is very helpful information and good news! 

I realize the weeds are pretty bad, though they've mostly appeared in the last 10 days or so. I can definitely remove them. It's been raining a lot lately and will rain a lot this weekend.

I'll consider the soil testing as well.

Many thanks!


The Question Asker Replied May 28, 2021, 5:20 PM EDT

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