
white cucumber stem #752637

Asked May 27, 2021, 8:56 PM EDT

As you can see from the attached picture, one of our cucumber plants has what seems to be a dry white stem near the bottom of the plant. The rest of the plant is doing okay, though, and continuing to grow. There is no evidence that we can see of pests. The cucumber was planted in a raised bed full of mixed purchased "Raised Bed Garden Soil" and Tru Leaf Compost. We had a soil text from Penn State both before and after installing the raised bed (i.e., the existing soil on top of which the raised bed was placed was tested in March 2021; after the raised bed was filled with compost and garden soil, that raised bed soil was tested in April). That latter soil test showed soil ph 8, Potash, Calcium, and Magnesium all "above optimum" and Phosphorus at "optimal" range. They recommended applying Urea, but we did not do that as we could not find it in a small quantity (the raised bed is only 4 ft by 8 ft). The cucumber was planted about May 1, 2021. Other cucumber plants next to this one do not have the same stem problem. They are slightly lighter green than the tomato and basil plants nearby though. The raised bed is covered with landscape fabric and watered via a soaker hose. What, if anything, should I do with the white stem cucumber?

Anne Arundel County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- it's difficult to say with certainty what caused the symptom. We agree that this does not seem to be a disease or insect pest problem. There are water molds that can girdle and injure stems close to the soil (usually excessively wet soil) but plants decline and usually die from injury to the vessels that transport water and plant foods. It's possible that the stem was laying on the fabric and was burned or abraded. There is nothing to do about it. Hopefully, it will continue to grow well and produce a good harvest.

A 6.2-6.8 soil pH is desirable for mixed vegetables. We suggest that you incorporate 1 lb. of sulfur (elemental sulfur, powdered sulfur, or pelleted sulfur) into the soil of your 4 X 8 raised bed at the end of the season when you remove the weed barrier mulch.


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