
what is best to kill poison ivy #752580

Asked May 27, 2021, 4:02 PM EDT

What is a pet friendly and environment friendly way to kill Poison Ivy? Is there a home made herbicide I can make?

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

We do not recommend making home remedies for herbicides. The most pet-friendly and environmentally-friendly way to remove poison ivy would be to pull out small plants by hand and/or dig the plants out to remove the root system. If you are dealing with small, young plants, you can wear gloves and then put a plastic bag (like a bread bag or a newspaper bag) over them to avoid getting the poison ivy oil on your gloves. Poison ivy will not tolerate repeated cutting or mowing, so another option would be to continually cut the plants at ground level during the year -- but you will really need to keep after it. Poison ivy grows quickly and any new foliage growth will generate energy to support the root system and the plants will persist that way. Keep cutting it down and you will eventually starve the root system.

Organic herbicides are available for weed control but they burn down just the top growth of plants. They are not effective on mature or perennial weeds that have a substantial established root system.


Thank you


The Question Asker Replied May 28, 2021, 5:56 PM EDT

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