
Daffodils not blooming #752570

Asked May 27, 2021, 3:40 PM EDT

I have lots of daffodils and this year many of them did not bloom. Is there a reason or anything I can do? Or should I pull them out and plant fresh bulbs?

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

This could be attributed to several things:

- The crazy weather this spring could have frozen and killed the buds before blooming. If your daffodils have bloomed prolifically in previous years, this would be good bet. Daffodils bloom in April, and if you remember, there were some freezing temperatures and harsh weather during the month.

- Proper care the year before can affect how bulbs bloom. After blooming, spent flowers can be removed, but foliage must remain. The foliage feeds the bulb and gives it energy for the next year's blooms. Removing foliage before it is dead and dry will reduce flowering in the spring. A dose of nitrogen fertilizer can be used before the bulb goes dormant. See the CSU Fact sheet below.

- Daffodils do not particularly like heavy shade and this affects blooming. It there are parts of your landscape that have grown larger, and the daffodils are now in the shade, lack of blooming will result.

- The age of the daffodils may be a factor. Daffs can remain in ground for many years without requiring thinning or dividing. However, if you are seeing a progressive reduction in flowering, you can dig, divide & thin. This is done after the foliage dies down (usually about 8-10 weeks after blooming). You can also move some of the bulbs to other areas of your landscape.

CSU guide to fall planted bulbs:

Donnetta Wilhelm Colorado Master Gardener Replied May 27, 2021, 5:41 PM EDT
Thank you for your response, Donnetta.  I do know and follow all of the below so think it’s time to pull these bulbs out and plant vigorous new ones come fall.  

Best wishes,


On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 3:41 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 7:03 PM EDT

Yes, sometimes homeowners know that it just may be time to refresh their beds and want new bulbs, try different varieties or change locations. There are so many beautiful ones to choose from.


Donnetta Wilhelm Colorado Master Gardener Replied May 28, 2021, 1:24 PM EDT

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