
Bee identification #752557

Asked May 27, 2021, 3:02 PM EDT

Hello, I found a soggy, slow-moving bee this rainy morning in Cottage Grove. I am hoping to ID it as I am quite sure I have never seen one like it. Can you help me? I've looked a little bit online so far, with no results. Will attach a picture. Thank you, Donna

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response


I have ID'd the flying creature. It's not a bee; it's a Rocky Mountain Clearwing, in the sphinx moth family. 
I thought it was a bee because of the black and yellow abdomen! So beautiful. 
Thank you, Donna

On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 12:02 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

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Bee identification

Hello, I found a soggy, slow-moving bee this rainy morning in Cottage Grove. I am hoping to ID it as I am quite sure I have never seen one like it. Can you help me? I've looked a little bit online so far, with no results. Will attach a picture. Thank you, Donna

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The Question Asker Replied May 28, 2021, 4:56 PM EDT
Hi Donna, you beat me to it. Isn't it fun to correctly identify an previously unknown insect?

Your photo was very clear. Those wings remind me of stained glass. They are very striking.

Good job!

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