
teting my tilled garden PH now--quickest, cheapest? #752535

Asked May 27, 2021, 1:38 PM EDT

Hi, After I till, but before I plant my summer veggies, can I take a sample anywhere to get some quick feedback about what to add in?

Benton County Oregon

Expert Response

Well, yes and no. 
This is the spring, so it's likely that results of a soil test won't be quick - your sample will wait in line behind all the others.

But more importantly, soils on the west side of the Cascades tend to be low in pH - which controls the availability of so many macro- and micro- plant nutrients. The solution to low pH (if that were to be the case) is an application of lime. Lime requires a long time to change soil pH - that's why it's applied in the fall.

I'm not suggesting that you apply lime - that should be done after a soil test indicates whether and how much lime is required.

Is this your first year gardening on your site? There's a rule of thumb that it's easy to succeed in the first year on any garden site.

Download this publication - it's free -
EC 628 A guide to collecting soil samples for farms and gardens. When you do choose a lab, make sure that they provide an agronomic interpretation of the test results that will tell you which soil amendments are required and how much to apply.

Thanks.  Can you tell me how to wait in line behind all the others?  Ha, I thought it might be like a diabetes test strip. :)

---- On Thu, 27 May 2021 13:01:34 -0700 Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote ----

The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 4:26 PM EDT

Oh. I see you said, "when I pick a lab", so I assume the publication tells how to find a lab, and it's Not an offered Extension activity.  I looked at the pdfs earlier today, and I guess I should go look closer, in order to find a lab. Let me know if I'm misunderstanding.  Thank you.

On 5/27/2021 1:25 PM, Sue Hirsch wrote:
Thanks.  Can you tell me how to wait in line behind all the others?  Ha, I thought it might be like a diabetes test strip. :)

---- On Thu, 27 May 2021 13:01:34 -0700 Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote ----

The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 5:26 PM EDT

We do have a publication that offers a listing of labs. Not all of the information is current, so you'll have to call and determine just who's still in business or serving home gardeners. Analytic Labs Serving Oregon.

And yes, there are colorimetric dip strips for pH testing, though I'm less sure about their availability. I'd go to a garden center for those, though you are much more likely to find a pH meter. If you go the more available pH meter route, read all the directions for sample preparation very carefully, and be sure to follow the recommendations about meter calibration.

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