
Thistle control #752530

Asked May 27, 2021, 1:15 PM EDT

I am interested in getting some help with thistle control - hiring someone to do spot spraying. Any information would be helpful. Thank you.

Linn County Oregon

Expert Response

Greetings, so we can best assist you, please let us know a little more about your site. Is it a home garden, a small acreage or something else? 

I have a small acreage, and had some logging done as part of an oak release program.  That is where most of the thistles are, with some also in part of the pasture.

The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 6:22 PM EDT

Hi Sandra,

I have tried calling, but not reached you yet.  We should talk rather than me try to give guidance without details. In the meantime, here is some helpful general information for you to look over before we manage to connect.

Note that rules and regulations, as well as specific of herbicide that can be used varies by land use. What you can do on your Ag and forest ground  are different.

we have written a number of short blog articles about weed control that can be viewed by following this link.

I’d recommend looking at the 2016 “resources in the fight against weeds”, includes links to the PNW weed control handbook that will give you very useful information about controlling specific species, safety and such. A great resource.

If you are looking to hire someone to do this work, you should look this over to help you in your conversation.

These are two sites that can be used to help find people in the business.

Forest Seedling Network

This interactive site helps you find seedlings They now also include services, such as tree planters, applicators.

Oregon Forest Industries Directory

Same here, searchable by service, also by area.

I should also remind you that herbicide application is a forest operation covered by the Oregon Forest Practices Act, and thus requires notification with the ODF. You can get a good overview of the forest practices rules in the illustrated manual produced by OFRI. Notification is covered in the introduction. It can all be done online now. This is from page 6.

File a Notification of Operation as required. After you’ve planned the operation, submit a Notification of Operation via the E-Notification website at least 15 days prior to the start of the operation. Failure to file is a violation under the Forest Practices Act and Rules. For more information, see E-Notification at

Hope that helps, and that we can talk soon.


Brad Withrow-Robinson Replied June 03, 2021, 7:20 PM EDT
Hi Brad, 
Thank you for your information and offer to confer by phone.  I don’t recall getting a voicemail from you, or I would have returned your call.  It has been a very busy, crazy week, and I may have missed it. 
 I would be happy to speak with you and get more advice.  Currently, my neighbor, Jim, who is President of the small woodlands organization, did visit to inform my about spraying, and I hired a man with a weed whacked to cut the majority of the thistles, and I have been doing some “mop up” with my loppers to get the strays.  (Backbreaking!)  
I know this will not be adequate, and will be an ongoing project.  I also contacted the Calapooia Watershed about spraying in the fall and spring, and am on their list.  
Right now the thistles are my main concern, but I know that blackberries and shiny geranium are two others to deal with, and I will want some advice for this, as well as how to reseed native grasses and forms without having them killed by spraying.
Again, I thank you for answering my plea, and look forward to speaking with you.  Hopefully my time will be a little freer now that last week’s project is under control.

Sandra Weingarten
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On Jun 3, 2021, at 4:20 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 05, 2021, 12:09 PM EDT

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