
What is eating the leaves , and how can I repair them? #752472

Asked May 27, 2021, 9:34 AM EDT

What is Eating the Leaves of My Rose Bush? And, what can I do to make it healthier and to stop the feeding? Is this the result of slugs? I would love to have a healthy rose bush. Thank you

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

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On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 9:34 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

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What is eating the leaves , and how can I repair them?

What is Eating the Leaves of My Rose Bush? And, what can I do to make it healthier and to stop the feeding? Is this the result of slugs? I would love to have a healthy rose bush. Thank you Mitch

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The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 9:36 AM EDT

Not traditional slugs but Roseslug sawfly larvae are what are eating your rose leaves.

Here is our page about them:

They are really easy to miss so you have to look carefully for them. Your rose doesn't have many leaves so try hand picking and squishing. Otherwise a horticultural oil or Spinosad spray (making sure to cover undersides of leaves) is recommended.

We also see Blackspot disease, which can be very damaging as well. Pick off any black spotted leaves and put them in the trash. Rake up and discard any under the plant as well. Here is more information on this:

All-in-all your rose looks like it is struggling. This page on rose care includes all you need to be sure that you are giving it your best, including mulch, fertilizer, watering, etc.:


Thank you so Much Christine. Wishing you and yours a very happy, Healthy memorial Day


On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 12:09 PM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 4:07 PM EDT
I  had to pull all the leaves off of that one I bought neem oil for roses and Miracle grow rose food
On Fri, May 28, 2021 at 8:13 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 28, 2021, 3:30 PM EDT

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