
Plum Tree Sickness #752461

Asked May 27, 2021, 8:27 AM EDT

My plum tree is not producing fruit this year and there are green splotches the entire length of the tree trunk and branches. It also looks like something is eating the leaves

Baltimore County Maryland

Expert Response

Your tree looks like an ornamental fruit tree.

The green splotches along the trunk are called lichens, and they are totally harmless to the tree. Here is our page about them:

Of greater concern is the large sunken area on the right limb side of the photo, which look like it could have been where a wound or branch broke off in the past. It looks like the tree has produced some callous tissue around the edges trying to heal itself but has been unable to close the area. That will end up being a weak area prone to rot and stability challenges.

Ornamental fruit trees, particularly plums, tend to only have a useful life of about 20 years or so before they start to decline, so enjoy it while it is attractive. Prune out any dead branches and offer it water in times of drought or when we don't get at least an inch of rain a week.

The leaf eating is minor and we wouldn't be concerned about it.

Did it bloom this spring? If it did not it could be stress related. If it did, it's possible the reasons for no fruit could be incomplete pollination or the killing of the pollen/blossom by late frosts.


Afternoon Christine 

I appreciate the information in your email. If the tree does start to deteriorate (rot) further would you suggest taking it down proactively?


On Thu, May 27, 2021 at 11:53 AM Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:
The Question Asker Replied May 27, 2021, 1:55 PM EDT

If it would fall on anything valuable, including other plants, then that is time to remove it.  But it looks healthy and should have some years in it.  The wound seems to have healed well.

Here's a page on when to remove trees:

We always recommend replacing with a native tree.  A landscape with at least 50% native plants is a good goal for everyone. 


Ellen Replied May 28, 2021, 12:40 PM EDT

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