
Bechtel Crab Problem #752435

Asked May 26, 2021, 10:25 PM EDT

I have 30-year-old Bechtel Crab tree which has developed some sort of problem with the bark coming detached from the tree. One branch is now totally devoid of bark, and the branch has died. I now notice some bark starting to detach from other branches as well. Is this an identified problem with this type of crab tree? Is there anything I can do to arrest/reverse this problem? Will the tree eventually die from this? Thanks for any help.

El Paso County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello John,

You have a beautiful crabapple tree. It looks like you have some sunscald going on in your picture caused by the bark heating up during the day and freezing at night. I see a lot of reflective surfaces in your picture which can heat up the bark. A southwest exposure can also cause this problem. Apple trees can be susceptible to this disease. If the cambium just under the bark is damaged then that part of the tree can die. You had mentioned you had some dead branches. I have included sunscald information from Utah State University Cooperative Extension.

Some crabapple trees defoliate naturally, check under the peeling bark, if you see more bark then this is a natural process. If you see bare wood under the flaking, then there could be an environmental or disease cause. A disease called fireblight can cause the bark on the trunk or branches to peel and kill branches or the entire plant.

Wildlife such as deer or squirrels can strip and eat the bark of crabapple trees. I have included a link with more information about this problem.

Barbara    Replied May 29, 2021, 12:27 PM EDT
                     Thanks for the reply.  You mention a couple of possible causes and symptoms which I see on my tree.  I'll research the links which you include and will determine best course of action.  I very much appreciate your time and consideration.


John Walsh

-----Original Message-----
From: Extension Foundation <<personal data hidden>>
To: John Walsh <<personal data hidden>>
Sent: Sat, May 29, 2021 10:27 am
Subject: Re: Bechtel Crab Problem (#0022366)

The Question Asker Replied May 30, 2021, 10:58 PM EDT

You are welcome!  Thank you very much for your reply.

Barbara    Replied May 31, 2021, 11:14 AM EDT

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