
tree choice at 6,600 Ft #752408

Asked May 26, 2021, 7:28 PM EDT

We are looking for a few choices on good trees to plant next to out garage - it would get some morning light and by 1 PM good light until sundown. The spot is on our garage's west side and our wind comes predominantly from the NW. As we are near or at 70 years of age, we would like a tree that would be hardy, drought friendly, and a tree that would grow somewhat quickly, so that we could enjoy it. I have heard of the Lantern Tree, but do not know if it would be happy here. We have Ponderosa, gamble oaks, mountain mahogany, sage and lots of happy weeds. The deer eat almost everything, including our firs and spruces, which were imported. Thanks!

El Paso County Colorado

Expert Response


thank you for your question.

Unfortunately the Lantern Tree is not at all a specimen for our cold winters.

I attached a list of shrubs and trees for your area (above 6500ft elevation). Deciduous trees grow best with 6 plus hours of full sun.

I would discourage you to plant fast growing trees like a cottonwood or willow close to a garage/house. The wood will be brittle. Winds could possible lead to a limb breaking.  Having a tree branch break next to a structure could do a lot of damage. 

Check into Serviceberry, which could be a small tree or large shrub that provides white flowers in spring. Lots of the varieties could do well for your situation. There are also lots of crabapples that tolerate our weather, but lots of times late spring frosts could damage buds and prevent blooming. Crabapples have a tendency for blight disease. Lilacs seem to really flourish in our climate. But I'm sure you will find lots of options browsing the following links.

Deer are unpredictable and will browse even "deer resistant" vegetation if hungry. Spraying with a repellant or adding a repellant granular to the soil might help.

Trees and Shrubs for Mountain Areas - 7.423 - Extension (

Small Deciduous Trees - 7.418 - Extension (

I hope these links will help you to make a decision. They will list elevation and water needs as well as growth patterns and sizes.

Thank you

Heike W.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 31, 2021, 4:42 PM EDT
Thank you for your information!!

Sent from my iPhone

On May 31, 2021, at 2:42 PM, Ask Extension <<personal data hidden>> wrote:

The Question Asker Replied June 02, 2021, 1:42 PM EDT

You are welcome.

I hope that you will find a tree/shrub that will work for your location.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 02, 2021, 3:00 PM EDT

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